Transferring Files Over HTTP Using Python

Sending files around a network always seems to be difficult for some reason. But Python has a built-in utility that makes this much easier. Simply run this at the command line:

python3 -m http.server 8080

Python will start an HTTP server on port 8080 and it will serve all files over HTTP in its working directory. If you navigate to http://localhost:8080 in your browser after running this command, you will see all the files in the directory where the HTTP server was started!

This makes for an easy way to transfer files over a private network. You can run a quick command to determine your IP address:

ip -br -c a

And navigate to that IP address from another computer to see the same files being served there as well. But be careful of course! Anyone on the network will have access to these files as well. So it is a good idea to copy the files you want to send to a separate directory and run the server from there if you don't want everyone on the network snooping around your home directory and accessing your SSH private keys.

The http.server module in Python's standard library has much more functionality than just this, but note that it is not recommended for use in a production server. (For that you would want something like uwsgi or gunicorn.) But I find this to be the easiest way to transfer files between machines on a private LAN.

