The first program I ever wrote was a molecular dynamics simulator. Molecular
dynamics is a simulation paradigm where atoms or molecules
in a body are placed in a 2- or 3-dimensional space. Forces are computed
between them using various potential functions (amongst the simplest being
Lennard-Jones potential, ie. V = k * (r**-12 - r**-6)
, where r
is the
distance between pairs of atoms). And then the positions of the particles are
updated using the Verlet algorithms which are based on Fourier
expansions of Newton's laws of motion.
A nice open source example of a molecular dynamics simulator is
LAMMPS (wiki), which is developed by Sandia National
I wrote my own simulator in Java. This was back in the summer of 2007, so the
GNU compiler project included a Java compiler which was what I was given to
compile the program. It was also the first time ever for me using Linux, so I
was completely unfamiliar with the CLI. (This is something all beginners have
to go through, and I very sincerely do not ever want to forget what it was like
so I can better understand and help other colleagues who are equally novice.)
In retrospect, the GNU Compiler for Java was a very cool project. I
specifically remember the project's product page stating that their intent was
to treat Java just like any other language, ie. that the language could be
compiled to a native executable, rather than having to run it on the Java
Virtual Machine.
But starting out, it was a miserable experience. I had two files:
. I could trivially compile each of them to a .class
file. I
could create simple executables from single .java
files. But I just. could.
not. compile both of the two files into a single executable. My research team
was unable to help as well; I tried asking our post-doctoral researcher, but he
said he couldn't help because he didn't know Java. And I was denied when I
asked to install a more familiar IDE to make things simpler.
So finally, after days of endless web searches and documentation reading
until by sheer luck (ie. trying everything with brute force), I finally managed
to figure out the magic incatation:
Aha! So the order of the filenames matters it seems.
And so I spent probably 2 whole weeks of my research internship trying to
figure out how to write a 3 parameter command. The code was obviously not
finished by that point, but that was undoubtedly the hardest part of the coding
From here, I was able to implement a very cool but still basic MD simulator.
I implemented periodic boundary conditions to reduce the influence of surface
I implemented body-centered and face-centered cubic lattices; I recall my
research advisor stating that Lennard-Jones potential is not stable for
simple cubic lattices
I implemented functions to measure things like the temperature of the crystal
I visualised the results using a program called minimol
, though I'm not
even sure that it exists anymore
Since the computer I was running on had two cores, I was able to perform
computing the pairwise potentials between atoms in parallel, halving the
program's runtime.
It was very cool seeing how in certain cases, the lattice would be a stable
solid, while in others, it would melt. Tuning the starting temperature of the
material just to the edge of the melting point and seeing how it reacted was
very interesting. There were probably also additional functions that I could
have implemented to quantify the solid's stability, but I'm pretty sure that I
didn't do that.
In retrospect it was a very cool project. At the time, I did not at all
appreciate that value of that kind of work. My silly 19-year-old self did not
consider running computer simulations to be "real research". So I decided to
leave that research project in favour of one that had a more laboratory-based
experimental component. It actually turns out that I'm really bad at labwork
for many reasons, one of which being that I am, well, very clumsy.
But in any case, as I continue moving further from the university chapter of my
life, I can't help ponder the alternate reality where I stayed on the project
and continued working in computational materials science. I think I would have
been very good at it.