Other articles

  1. Arjen Banerjee at 9 Months

    Here are some more photos of Arjen from when he was 9 months old. As you can see, by the point he became a pro at sitting up by himself, and started to stand up with support as well. He also loves playing with balls and his parents' phones.

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  2. Arjen Banerjee at 8 Months

    Here are some more photos of Arjen from when he was 7-8 months old. This was a big period for him. He learned how to sit up by himself, and it wasn't long before he figured out how to crawl and start pulling himself up too! Probably the cutest part …

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  3. Arjen Banerjee at 6 Months

    My original intent was to post photos of Arjen every month or so, but definitely fell behind. Part of this is just due to not being able to find the time, and part of it is also because we have so many photos that it's difficult to choose. At one …

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  4. Arjen Banerjee at 4 Months

    A bit late, but Arjen Banerjee is now over 4 months old! Here are some more photos.

    Here's a photo of him wearing his daddy's original sandals:


    And here are a lot more cute ones:

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    Time has been flying. He loves playing with his parents' faces with his hands, and …

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  5. Arjen Banerjee

    My wife and I have given birth to our first son, Arjen Banerjee. He was born in early March. Here are a few photos!

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    We're all adjusting well to life as new parents and life is slowly starting to get back to normal... with the exception of sleep. We're still …

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