Other articles

  1. HTML in Markdown

    My favourite feature of Markdown is... not using markdown at all! Since markdown is a superset of HTML, it is possible to simply include plain HTML code in markdown documents like so

    <a href="/">Go to home</a>

    Which will render as this:

    Go to home

    I use this feature …

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  2. Why I Stopped Competing in Taekwondo

    I'm essentially retired now from taekwondo. It was a hobby that I practiced from 2007 until Arjen was born in 2020, with a rough 1-year break while I was living on a temporary assignment where I couldn't find a school at which I enjoyed training. I was hoping that this …

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  3. Arjen Banerjee at 9 Months

    Here are some more photos of Arjen from when he was 9 months old. As you can see, by the point he became a pro at sitting up by himself, and started to stand up with support as well. He also loves playing with balls and his parents' phones.

    image01 image02 image03 image06 image07 image07 image09 image10 image12 image13 image14 image15 image16 image18 image19 image20 image21

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  4. Arjen Banerjee at 8 Months

    Here are some more photos of Arjen from when he was 7-8 months old. This was a big period for him. He learned how to sit up by himself, and it wasn't long before he figured out how to crawl and start pulling himself up too! Probably the cutest part …

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  5. Arjen Banerjee at 6 Months

    My original intent was to post photos of Arjen every month or so, but definitely fell behind. Part of this is just due to not being able to find the time, and part of it is also because we have so many photos that it's difficult to choose. At one …

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  6. XPCOM Extensions in Firefox

    I read an article today about why Firefox had to get rid of XPCOM addons. The article makes all the right technical arguments as to why Firefox had to get rid of XPCOM extensions. And Mozilla were correct in the decision to do so - the presence of XPCOM extensions was …

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  7. Arjen Banerjee at 4 Months

    A bit late, but Arjen Banerjee is now over 4 months old! Here are some more photos.

    Here's a photo of him wearing his daddy's original sandals:


    And here are a lot more cute ones:

    image2 image3 image4 image5 image6 image7 image8

    Time has been flying. He loves playing with his parents' faces with his hands, and …

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  8. Arjen Banerjee

    My wife and I have given birth to our first son, Arjen Banerjee. He was born in early March. Here are a few photos!

    image1 image2 image3

    We're all adjusting well to life as new parents and life is slowly starting to get back to normal... with the exception of sleep. We're still …

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  9. Highlighting and Deleting Extra Whitespace in Vim

    Here is a very helpful but difficult-to-remember portion of configuration taken from my .vimrc file:

    highlight ExtraWhitespace ctermbg=lightred guibg=lightred
    autocmd VimEnter,InsertEnter * syn match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$/ containedin=ALL
    highlight Tabs ctermbg=lightgreen guibg=lightgreen
    autocmd VimEnter,InsertEnter * syn match Tabs /\t/ containedin=ALL

    The Rationale

    The above lines …

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  10. My .vimrc File

    Behold, my .vimrc file!

    set nojoinspaces
    set bg=dark
    set sw=2
    set ts=2
    set sts=2
    set ruler
    set ffs=unix
    map Q q
    map q: :
    map Y y$
    let g:leave_my_textwidth_alone=1
    let g:python_recommended_style=0
    set expandtab
    set nojoinspaces
    set hlsearch …
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  11. My Experience Assembling a Desktop Computer

    Over this past weekend, I assembled a desktop computer. This was my first time ever putting a desktop together and I found it more difficult than I expected. I want to write about my experiences and what I learned while they are still fresh.

    The Hardware

    Below are the hardware …

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  12. Pelican Code Sample

    Here is an example of code samples in a Pelican post:

    print("Hello world!")

    And here is how one writes it in a post:

    print("Hello world!")

    And I created the last block like so:

    print("Hello world!")

    I will not include another block explaining how I …

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  13. Why I Prefer Document Typesetters

    I want to write a short post on why I feel that document typesetters are advantageous to using document processors for generating publications. This is not meant to be a persuasive essay. Rather, I just wanted to take a moment here to comprehensively describe some technical reasons why I prefer …

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  14. Email on your own Domain

    It has long been a priority of mine to migrate my email addresses to my own domain name. My reasons for doing this are quite numerous:

    1. Email is probably our most intimate form of communication, and I am growing increasingly uncomfortable about using external services like Gmail to host it …

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